Home flavouring is perhaps the most common way of using essential oils. In ancient times, essential oils were smoked in sanctuaries. Isn’t your home a private temple? Let’s consider the main ways to cope with bad smells and help to enrich the atmosphere in the house or office.

Why you need to flavor rooms?
There are a lot of reasons for that, so let’s list just a few:
- To get rid of bad smells. Each room has its own unique smell, and not always these smells are pleasant. With the help of essential oils you will be able to provide yourself with the atmosphere you need.
- For air disinfection. Essential oils can easily cope with almost any pathogenic and undesirable flora and fauna, from viruses to fungi and even annoying insects.
- This quality is absolutely invaluable during epidemics, from which many people try to protect themselves with, say, garlic. Hardly any esters will help against vampires, but the flu virus will be better than garlic, and you won’t have to smell like an old dragon.
- For mood modulation. The connection between the sense of smell and the parts of the brain that determine the mood is known for a long time. Essential oils will help you at work to remain vigorous and attentive, and at home will calm and appease.
- For therapeutic purposes. Aromatherapy has long proven its effectiveness in the prevention and treatment of many diseases. You are engaged in your own business – and at the same time are treated by inhaling the healing aroma spilled in the air of your home.

Basic tools
- Aroma lamps. Previously they were very popular, but recently they have been sidelined.
- Aroma stones are small stones made of porous material (clay, plaster, etc.). You apply a few drops to the surface of the aroma stone, and the essential oil is absorbed into the surface. Aroma stones hold the aroma well, slowly giving it away in the air for a long time. Aroma stones are ideal for fragrance of linens, cabinets and bags.
- Liquid for cleaning. Another very simple way to fill the house with a pleasant and useful fragrance is to wash the floors with water, which is added with essential oil. For this purpose it is necessary to dissolve 5-10 selected essential oils in a teaspoon of polysorbate and mix them with water (dosages are indicated on the middle bucket of water).
- Aromasache. These are small bags or cushions made of natural breathable fabrics, filled with dry flowers, spices, herbs. In order to maintain a strong aroma, it is recommended to periodically apply a few drops of essential oil to them.
- Diffusers. There are various ready-made diffusers in the shops. They are the most modern tools. If you are looking for such a device, you will find the best essential oil diffuser for large space.
- Gel diffuser. This type of diffuser is particularly convenient in a car. You will need: a jar with a lid, ordinary food gelatin or agar-agar, glycerin and essential oils to your taste. Dilute the gelatin or agar according to the instructions on the package, wait for it to cool down to room temperature, then add glycerin and essential oils. Mix thoroughly and pour into the jar. Place in a cool place for a few hours until it cures. Recommended proportions: 100 g of diluted gelatin – a tablespoon of glycerin and 30 drops of essential oil (or a mixture of oils).
- Cane diffuser. To make a cane diffuser you need: a small bottle with a narrow throat of glass or ceramics, several cane sticks (bamboo skewers for mini kebabs can be used), almond oil, one or more essential oils. Add 30-50 drops of essential oils to 50g of almond oil. Mix and pour into the bottle. Put a few cane sticks into the bottle (the length of the sticks should be significantly higher than the height of the bottle). Somewhere in a day sticks are fully saturated with flavorful oil and begin to give the flavor into the surrounding space.